Car Line Video

This is a video that we posted last school year in regards to our afternoon dismissal.  Basically, everything in the video is the same except for a few updates.  All middle school car riders will report to the middle school car line loop each day for dismissal. However, if they have a sibling who is in the K3-4th grade, they will be called to come meet their car in the front of the school in the elementary car loop.  Since they do not (middle school students) have car numbers, you must give our car tag caller (teacher standing in the car line calling numbers on radio), the middle school student’s name.  Please follow the sign outside for which lane to enter into.  Remember, if you are traveling to the front of the school for elementary students pick-up, you may choose either lane but remember if you are turning right onto 14 after pick-up then go to the right lane and if you are turning left onto 14 after pick up, get into the left pick up lane.  This year we are calling numbers instead of names because in the event we have a substitute number caller in the car line (teacher) then it is easier to call out numbers than to say names incorrectly and students not hear their names.  

Click here for video